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Monday, June 4, 2012

my weekend

this is about when my typical weekend is at an end.  Monday, you say?  Yep!  and mid-evening - very weird work schedule, but typical for an audio engineer.  After working for about 3 hours Saturday, 7 Sunday - I took today off.  So that was my weekend.  

And a very nice one it was - filled with black bean patties, my first successful vegetable tempura, fantastic spice muffins with local honey-peach jam, a busy visit to half-price books, not so successful pancakes (which are usually SO good, but not when you accidentally add baking soda in place of baking powder) - and today, I made a double of Soren's Roasted Vegetable Spaghetti Sauce and a very tasty, savory potato and onion tart (recipes soon to come).

Food was great, my guys are a blast to hang out with, especially when we get a chance to visit with Rick's folks and hit up the parks.

Parks are definitely near the very top of my list of favorite things to do with Soren.  Another?  Hanging out with my sidekick as we run through the list of errands and chores for the day.  Wind blown grocery shopping, kitchen helper, lil painter (I ♥ Mythic Paint!) - laughing through mom's epic paint spill, train playing - but it all stops at cuddles with the Sesame Street boys.

What are (or were - if your babes are grown) some of your favorite things to do with your toddler(s)?

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