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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

the weekend

My first weekend in 3 months.  Yes, three months.

And this past weekend was nothing short of fantastic.  We started out at Coney Island, where Soren is being re-introduced to water.  Being a year and half, saying he is much more aware of his surroundings is a considerable understatement, he is quite a bit more fearful of the water this year.  BUT, we will continue to be patient, as he seems intrigued and still has a great time at the park.

Next on the list, was a scrumptious dinner at one of our favorite joints with one of our favorite hometown black bean burgers and beer.  And then my early b-day present - my nose ring.  Yeah, shake your head and whisper - '28, aren't you too old for those shenanigans?'  And maybe I am, especially since I just used the word shenanigans - but I have always wanted one and well, now I finally have one.  After about 10 years of lusting for a piece of metal in my nostril - it's actually there...

The weekend just got better!  On Sunday we made a beloved trip to Ikea where I FINALLY replaced a smelly old rug and picked up the last few remaining pieces for the apartment to make it really feel like home - until, of course, I start in on the kitchen (a large task in waiting...).  After that, we rested, Soren napped and we hit up Taste of Cincinnati - where we all tasted garlic french fries, veggie melts, fried sauerkraut balls, honey-buttered corn on the cob and Graeters black-raspberry chip ice-cream.  It was an absolute delight, Soren had a blast and Rick was able to enjoy a couple Rivertown beers for the night.

Then Monday - Pappa had to work in the evening so we enjoyed a Memorial Day Parade, honoring our countries soldiers, those who have fought for all of us (not to be forgotten on that day - as a co-worker elegantly put - Memorial Day is not a day designed for BBQ's it's a day to remember our fallen soldiers).  We hung out with the family for a bit (Soren and his cuz Zoë are really starting to play - it's stinking adorable!) - then hit up Coney Island again.

A very full, fantastic weekend.  I could get used to these...

1 comment:

Julie VandeDrink said...

I'm so happy you had such a great family weekend! I love the photos! Cheers to you and Rick for making it special. Mom

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