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Monday, June 4, 2012

A Mom's Birthday

28!  Big 2-8!!!  But now, as a mother, a mom's b-day is SOO tremendously different than it used to be.  A year and half ago, Rick and I welcomed our wee boy at 6 pounds 12 oz's and 18 whopping inches!  We have learned how to be parents, adults while embracing the charm and brilliance of childhood, learning how to work together (and have become quite the team, I must say), are enjoying signing and reasoning with our toddler and LOVE being parents together.

This has been a great birthday.  I remembered not just my, well - age, but the birth of our wonderful son.  Rick snagged me a full body massage gift certificate, I received major snuggles from my lil one and lots, LOTS of wonderful b-day wishes.  Thank you to everyone for a wonderful birthday.

What's your most memorable b-day? Your's or your lil' ones ;)?

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