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Sunday, May 27, 2012

18 months...

Just flew by.  I was rooting through some old video footage of the little man the other day and was inspired by his Aunt to put together a (to me, very quick) 10 minute video of the past 18 months.

Big thanks to Band of Horses, Bright Eyes and Beach House AND iMovie for being so awesome and making this video possible.

To all those new parents out there - 18 months goes fast.  I know you hear that all the time and you are probably just realizing how precious each moment is, but even while Soren's own pappa watched this video - his first comment was 'I wish I would have appreciated it more...'.  And from my observation - this pappa has enjoyed every moment of fatherhood, but I absolutely understand where he is coming from.  And to those grandparents, especially my mom - I know why you hold onto it all now.  The memories and the stuff!  It's precious...

1 comment:

Julie VandeDrink said...

Sweetheart - Yes, the memories are the 'stuff' and they are precious and priceless. This video is just that - precious and priceless. Our children grow and change so quickly and before you know it, they are having children of their own who are reaching milestones and making even more memories to share. Thank you for sharing Soren's first 18 months of milestone memories in this video - simply precious 'stuff' and that much more for me to hold on to. Love, Mom and Grandma

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