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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Thai Green 'Chow Chow' Curry

I love Thai curries!!! And what I love perhaps more than eating Thai curries, is smelling Thai curries.  If you have ever made one, you know what I am talking about.
This is perhaps one of the most aromatic dishes I have ever concocted - including RAW Granola Bars!  I must admit, it took a bit of searching for a starter recipe - but they are out there folks, and good ones, simple ones....

After eating the amazing Green Chow Chow Curry at GreenDog Cafe in Columbia-Tusculum, my taste buds couldn't wait another moment.  I had to cook this dish.  With a little help from I was able to create a curry worthy of making again...and again, and again...


1 tablespoon olive oil
3-4 cups spinach, washed and whole
8 oz mushrooms (we went with Crimini), sliced
1/2 cup vegetable broth
3/4 can coconut milk

For the Green Curry Paste:

1 stalk lemongrass, thinly sliced
1/4 can coconut milk
1-3 jalapeno (depending on your spice ability)
1 compressed cup chopped cilantro, leaves and stems
1 shallot, chopped
4-5 cloves garlic
1 thumb-size piece ginger, peeled and sliced
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 tablespoons lime juice
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon ground white pepper
1 teaspoon brown sugar

For the Curry Paste - which is definitely worth making on your own.  After your first wiff of it, you will understand.  I am a total cheat - no mortar and pestle for me, just the ole' food processor.  Feel free to combine these ingredients by hand - I am sure that you will extract more flavor this way, but for those like me with limited time and young ones - a food processor does just fine.  Combine all Green Curry Paste ingredients into the food processor and puree until you get a nice paste.  It will have a slight chunk to it, but should be relatively smooth.

For the final dish.  Heat olive oil over medium heat in a medium pot.  Add sliced mushrooms and cook, stirring occasionally until most of the water has evaporated (anywhere from 5-15 minutes depending on the mushroom).  Then add ALL the green curry.  Cook for 2-4 minutes, once the aroma is realeased, add vegetable broth and bring to a low boil/simmer and add spinach.  Stir until the mixture is fully incorporated.  Add remaing 3/4 can of coconut milk.  Stir and let simmer for 2-4 minutes (it's hard to wait because it looks and smells SO GOOD!) 

We eat this over brown rice to 'healthy' it up a bit with a Socca Pancake on top 


1/2 cup chickpea flour
1/2 cup water
1 tablespoon olive oil
pinch of cumin

Whisk ingredients together.  The consistency will be like watery pancake batter.  If you have a good non-stick skillet you won't need a drizzle of olive oil, but if your's strays on the side of sticky then you will want it.  Pre-heat skillet over medium heat.  Pour a 1/4 cup of batter into the pan.  Cook for about 2 minutes on each side and enjoy!


Julie VandeDrink said...

Wow! Another great one! You know...Rick and Soren are SO lucky to have you. You are such a great cook and you do this along with everything else you have on your plate! And then, you're so unselfish that you share these great recipes with all of us. Thank you for being so thoughtful and sharing your knowledge and tasty delights! Love xoxo

chelsea said...

Soren is a great kitchen helper and LOVES himself some Socca!

Carole said...

Looks nice. You might be interested in this post I did on Thai fish sauce.

Anonymous said...

Hi, how much does this make/ how many people can this feed? I am so glad you posted this recipe, I just moved from Cincinnati and this is the dish I miss the most :-)

chelsea said...

@ BabiGyrl5 - this feeds a very healthy 4 servings to 6. Hope you like it! It is a fun and relatively easy recipe. Enjoy!

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