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Monday, March 12, 2012

Mariemont - in the top 20

What top 20?  The top 20 planned neighborhood success of ALL TIME.  This hood is not 20th or even 19th, but 12th!  Here in Ohio!

Mariemont is, obviously - our next Cincinnati neighbor to visit and so far has been eye opening.  I never thought too much about Mariemont other than being this quant, not even a square mile community canopied by trees - but now my perception has completely changed.  If you are familiar at all with the Gilmore Girls hit sitcom from the CW (if you aren't - get on top of it!  Some of the best sitcom writing EVER!), the neighborhood is a real life Stars Hollow.  Down to the town meetings!
So far we have had the opportunity to speak with the Woman's Art and Cultural Center which is in quite possibly the coolest barn I have ever seen.  This town is so rich with Cincinnati history and culture - just to give you a snid-bit, the barn alone was built by Mary Emery - who is the woman behind the planned community of Mariemont established in the 1920's, which was used as a model creamery at which both Linder brothers worked at.  The barn then sat for a period of time and was bought by the Woman's Art Club and turned into an immaculate gallery space equipped with classrooms and A LOT of character.

We snagged a sweet snack for me (because of my ridiculous obsession with ice cream...) from Graeters, another Cincinnati business - and then off to a high energy interview with the Mayor of Mariemont, the village mind you.  This is even cooler.  The village convenes in a town meeting to nominate the Mayor and other major offices after each completed term.  The nominees then have a month to campaign before the election.  The election is between specific times for one day and there you have it - a Mayor - complete with a town crier!  Love it!  And of course we snagged lunch at Dilly Cafe or to others the Dilly Deli - amazing, good food.  This is definitely going to be a one of a kind show that I think you will all enjoy!


Orla Bowman said...

I LOVE Mariemont. We got married at the town hall there - it was a wonderful occasion! Also, Randy's Sister and Brother-In-Law stayed in the hotel there on the village green - we were so proud to have them stay in such an awesome little place (that was before we had space to have visitors :-))

Anonymous said...

The house I grew up in, and where my mom still lives, is in the block behind the barn. I grew up looking at the back of the barn from my bedroom window (and across the street). I am a huge fan of Mariemont! Gavin and I got married at the Mariemont Church and had our reception at the Mariemont Inn!
My brothers and I all worked at the pool during the summer! My older brother met his wife there! Glad you had a great time! Be sure to go back in a month or so and I'll take you on a great tour of some great original homes! Plus there is a great tot lot park next to the bell tower that has summer concerts! Great place/ event for a picnic!
-Sarah Gilchrist

chelsea said...

Orla and Sarah -
Thanks for the heads up ladies! I thought the town was pretty great already, but it just keeps getting better. Looks like we will have to meet at the tot lot park and let our little ones run around. I am so in love with this hood, I might have to convince Rick to move our family there!

Julie VandeDrink said...

I can't wait to hear more on Mariemont! I've been fortunate enough to spend time there on a couple of our Cincy visits - thanks of course to our wonderful tour guide - Chelsea! We ate at the Dilly Cafe and visited a shop that had more varieties of beer than I've ever seen - what was the name of that shop? I would love to stay some time at the Mariemont Inn and walk along some of the neighborhood streets and take in the quaintness of this village community. I could live in Mariemont - Love it! Can't wait to read more Mariemont blogs and see more pictures Chelsea!

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