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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Silent Movie, Anyone?

I recorded the Wurlitzer today, in all it's glory - an absolutely magnificent instrument.  I never imagined myself saying this, but I really enjoyed listening to organ music for two hours this morning.  I was toe tapping and be-bopping in my chair - I couldn't believe it.  There is so much life in this instrument and passion in the people that play it.

Although the instrument is pretty stellar on it's own - I felt something missing...something nostalgic, black and white and silent - I needed the movie!  We NEED to bring this back to Cincinnati.  We have a beautiful Wurlitzer Organ and talented people to play it, now all we need are the films!  Emery Theater would be a perfect home for this.  Imagine the film competitions and festivals Cincinnati could host - I get goose bumps thinking of it.  We have history and culture at our fingertips - don't let it slip away!

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