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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pumped...really the only way to put it!

My level of pumpe-tude for what is coming up in the schedule is off the charts!!!  I am recording the Wurlitzer organ in Music Hall tomorrow - which to most might come off totally lame, however - meet her in person and she will BLOW YOUR MIND!  Almost literally!!!  This gi-normous piece of Cincy history is gorgeous, loud, and absolutely fascinating. that is tomorrow and if you have any appreciation for silent films, organs, keyboards, or well, any style of music or art - you would love this organ.  I am NOT crazy or completely off, this keyboard turned my morning upside down.  I'm thinking Wurlitzer silent film competition in Cincy's future...?

Second on the docket - every September for the past 10 years we have witnessed Cincinnati's very own music festival, which has grown exponentially year to year and 2011 is no exception.  Right now, as we speak (or in my case write) I am listening to bits and pieces of the line up and I can't WAIT.  Better get Soren's ear protection before the 22nd, 'cause the kiddo is coming out to witness Cincinnati in all it's musical glory (we're revving him up at home with sweet tunes and an appropriate napping schedule ;)).

No, seriously - don't miss this, if you do, well - not gonna lie, you better have a stellar excuse, otherwise that's just sad.  Wanna help?  Volunteer!!! MPMF is taking volunteers still, if not, you can buy tickets per night or for the whole three day sha-bang!  Don't be lame and lazy - get out and prepare to move, shimme, and shake it!  See ya there!

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