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Monday, July 30, 2012

Toddler Proofing

And I thought baby proofing was tough enough in our wee space?!  But toddler proofing?!

This has been quite the task - everything from sticking chef's knives on the wall to toddifying (if it wasn't a word before, it is now!) Soren's bedroom.  We have undergone many changes in the last couple months.

1  We are now equipped with a new sofa sleeper couch from Ikea - much closer to the floor for easy toddler take-offs (needed anyway since our old one was from my college years and having guests in town is a thousand times more comfortable)

2  Soren is now in bumGenius diapers as he dabbles in training (easier removal and Flip,makes a fantastic training diaper that the bumGenius inserts fit!)

3  Placing good, wholesome RAW food into Soren's eating cycle has forced me to be even more creative (with help from Weelicious - check it out! great site for feeding wee ones like Kale popsicles in the pic below!)

4  My little buddy is now attending shows with me and has the appropriate head gear to do so, an easy, inexpensive ($6!!) solution from Meijer

5  Of course he is 2-wheel bound at 18 months, he's my kiddo!!  Anyone that knows me in the Nati, knows my enthusiasm from cycling - now that my balance is back I will be on my steel steed soon!  This Strider was a MUST from Campus Cyclery.  Great for ages 18 months to 5 years!!

6  Like I said - Knives up and away!!!  Far, far away from those long stretching hands on the countertops.  A quick $17 fix from Bed, Bath and Beyond

7  And finally - one of the true signs he is getting older.  The toddler bed (yes, a tear just fell).  Soren learned how to climb out of his crib and thus, it was time to convert.  Unfortunately, he IS only 20 months, so rolling out was a bit of a problem with the conversion and it was still pretty high off the ground.  So, we had to look at alternatives and pack the crib away (hopefully for #2!!) - which was a sad day.  I never knew how much I would miss the gnaw marks on the rail....  Alas, we opted for a toddler bed from Ikea - it was decently priced, sturdy and well made and since we are dreaming of a second and we live in a small place - it seemed like good size.  The Ikea bed also made strong enough for even me (clocking in at 120 pounds) to cuddle with him and sneak in a few stories before bed time AND long enough it should last a few years.

So there you have it - toddler proofing...

What sort of things did you do to make way for your running toddler?  

1 comment:

Julie VandeDrink said...

Great job at toddler proofing!♥ Mom

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