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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Apartment Living

Don't get me wrong - is great and do to sites like Apartment Therapy I am reminded of how AWESOME it can be.  But living in the midwest, there is definitely this insane pressure to buy a home.  Me, especially - in our dynamic duo, am feeling the social pressure these days.

We've had our wonderful, beautiful son, our family has become a strong, amazing thread and I couldn't be happier.  BUT, I would be lying if I said I never wanted to secure this family in a home.  The thought of working on a house: painting rooms, putting up shelves, gardening - that all of it were towards our home.  That I would love to hear Soren running down the stairs for dinner or up to his nightly bath.  That I see gorgeous hardwood floors and tiled kitchens with my favorite appliances.  Really, what it comes down to - I need to stop reading blogs and get back to writing mine.

Because, after trying to set a goal budget for a down payment, I started making my collages for future posts and it became clear why we continue to rent.  For us, it's about convenience, about NOT worrying over a mortgage or home equity loan.  We have a wonderful place as it is with great stainless appliances, HE washer/dryer and, yes - hardwood floors.  We have a back yard we have been planning a garden for next spring and even a tree swing.

From the pictures, it's become clear to me that we don't need a house, at least not just yet - we do a fine job living outside of the home and I am reminded of what that word really means to this family.  We are home.  Soren, Rick, August and I - are home.  It becomes even more evident as I thumb through our adventures to parks, spray grounds, pools, the zoo and more.  Sometimes I just need a gentle reminder.

Still plan on painting the kitchen though -

Much like these chalkboard cabinets and eggshell finish on the walls.

To accompany some delicious, simple cuisine.

...and in the spring, we will start this garden.

And remember to take a step back and fall in love with our apartment, our home and feel the warmth of my family around me.

1 comment:

Julie VandeDrink said...

Chelsea you raise some good points about home ownership vs. renting – dreaming about it, reality and taking pride in what you are comfortable with at this time and in this place. Having the home ownership dream is nice though. It’s what helps you look to the future and live within your means while making renting the best you can until you can realize your dream of home ownership – whenever that may be. There is no timeline on when people should realize home ownership and sometimes the pressure we feel is put upon us by ourselves. Your father and I made renting our reality for 7 years with two children. Every rental we had, we made a “home” – made it our own for our family – decorating it to our taste within reason, planting gardens and flowers and putting “our” welcome mat at the front door. All the while, our dream of home ownership was always there and our goal to reach it ‘someday’ was always in our plan. We didn’t have a set date in mind…just the dream. Never losing sight of that dream but remembering to live to the fullest where you are now is what’s important. You don’t have to own a house to make it a home. Home is where your family is, whether you rent or own. Enjoy! ♥ Mom

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