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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Spray Grounds

...are so rad!  Soren and I investigated one the other day and ended up having a blast.  They are typically near a park too, so when the lil' ones get sick of the water - they can go up to the playground or over to the basketball courts.  I was kind of hesitant to support these, since they took away the pools to install them (cheaper to maintenance and no life guards...) - but for the really tiny guys, like Soren who are just getting used to water - they are perfect.

Put it on your to-do list in Cincinnati this summer!  Find one close to you at CRC Spraygrounds.

what are some of your favorite water-baby memories or experiences?

1 comment:

Julie VandeDrink said...

Ok - it's officially on my to-do list. Next time I'm in town, we're a going splish, splashing! ♥ Mom

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