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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My baby you'll be....

I love you forever,
I like you for always,
As long as I'm living,
My baby you'll be.

Some of you may recognize this short lullaby from the Robert Munsch book Love You Forever - either way, as a mother I finally get it.  My mom read this book to me constantly as a child and tonight, it was my turn.  Rocking my one and a half year old to sleep singing Personal Penguin, suddenly, mid-cuddle it hit me - 'I will do this always, and hold onto these moments forever'.  I will be that mom that sneaks in when he is sound asleep at 16, gives him a snuggle, a kiss on the forehead and says, in a quiet whisper, simply - I love you, my sweet boy.  

I will never forget the nights my own mother came into my room, brushed the hair away from my brow, gave me a gentle kiss on my forehead and said, simply - I love you sweetie.  My little Chels.  She would give my cheek a quick brush with back of her hand, pull up the covers and step out.  It was a simple comfort to me then, but now, now I understand what that meant to her as a mother.  Those are moments I know I will cherish and hold onto forever.

My dear, little man - you have brought so much love, patience, kindness and happiness into our lives.  Thank you for the cuddles, sleepy eskimo kisses and unconditional love.

1 comment:

Julie VandeDrink said...

Chelsea - Thank you for this. I loved reading this book to you when you were little and I loved tucking you in and checking on you every night. Enjoy doing these same things for Soren and he will remember them as he grows older...just like you do. I love you - Mom

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