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Thursday, October 6, 2011

mmmmm....the smell of frost -

and fog and everything fall!  It's here and if there is one thing Ohio is stellar at (naturally that is...) is Fall!  Summer's are HOT and sticky, Spring - rains ALL the time, and Winter - Let's just say, I think my car is still recovering from the sleet, rain, and snow, BUT Fall, the smell, the beautiful turning leaves, apple orchard picking, bee's collecting for the end of their season - all of it!  I love it!

The smell of the first frost and the morning fog lifting the dew from the grass is even more significanct to me now then ever.  Fall is my New Year.  Last year at this time, I was gearing up for our Son's arrival.  I was at the last days of my pregnancy and loving it more than ever.  His movements were big, we were having contractions and he was dropping.  I remember going on walks with the pup and Rick talking about what life was soon to be like and enjoying the fall weather.  I remember picking apples with a HUGE belly in my overalls with my friend Christina.  I remember coming back and practicing making baby food with applesauce... all of it - I remember like it was yesterday - and then his birth.

I haven't had the chance to ever write this one down - but I can still remember so many of the details.  Soren was born on the morning of November 17, 2010.  It was a beautiful, cold, sunny morning.  I remember the sun rising as I touched his head crowning.  It was incredible.  I labored actively for about 12 hours and pushed for about 2 and half and he was finally about to take his first breaths into this world, just as Autumn does with each first frost of the year - of MY year.  We labored naturally and I felt EVERYTHING, I wouldn't change a thing!  I moved, swayed and danced through labor and when I had to rest, Rick was right by my side, rubbing my back and wispering encouraging words in my ear - I could NOT of done it without him.  He's my endurance, he keeps me running, still to this day.  My mom arrived in Cincinnati around 3am - she zoomed here from St. Louis as soon as my water had broken.  Talk about birthing from birthed - I could smell her the second she walked into the room, a scent I have never forgotten - calming, safe, and secure.  She stayed her distance from me when first arriving, but I called for her to come over.  She birthed my brother and I both naturally - I needed her confidence and wisdom close by.  She was my strength.  Something I don't get to tell her often enough.  That was a great morning.  And the dew and frost remind me of that day.

Happy New Year.  It's been a great one, and I look forward to the many more ahead with my family.

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