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Thursday, August 25, 2011


After a LONG weekend with my kiddo, I am finally back in the office and tying up loose ends on the Northside interviews - thank you so much to all those getting back to us and being so supportive!

So far on the docket - 

Urban Bee Keeping (inspired by Soapbox Media) with bee keepers in the Northside area.  Wondering why the wee honey bee is so important to agriculture and feeding America?  Wondering how you might get involved, EVEN in the City? Tune in!

The Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center - a Cincinnati hub for parents and their kiddos.  If you are asking yourself questions about that lil' one and are too embarrassed to call the pediatrician (again) - like moi!, check out the Enrichment Center where moms and dads get together by the dozens with therapists, docs, doulas and more discussing and just, well, hangin' out with their kiddos - this is an amazing support center!

Grateful Grahams - if you haven't munched on these yet, you sure will once you hear of this tasty treat - and vegan friendly too.  Rachel and her Grateful Grahams are taking over Cincinnati, on local business at a time.

Mobo Bicycle Coop - riding gets friendly by the day here in Cincinnati and the perfect, friendly locale for getting your two wheeled questions answered is the Coop.  Learn how to ride safely, take care of your steed and get your family involved at Northside's Mobo Bicycle Coop.

parProjects - Northside gets artistic with parProjects, beautifying the city a neighborhood at a time, find out what parProjects is up to in Northside.

Ending this meaty podcast is an interview with Jim Blaze from Shake-It pulled from the WVXU-Around Cincinnati Archive and a round up of events and shows at the Northside Tavern.  Sounds like a sweet hood, can't wait to dig in!

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