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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Camp Kern's Zipline

AMAZING!  An absolute must experience in Cincinnati!  I am super afraid of heights and even I was able to enjoy this.  They build up your confidence by height and length with varying ziplines and then - you hit up the River line - which I got stuck on, twice!  So, in my state of fear I snapped some breathtaking photos.  Ohio is a beautiful, under-rated state to live in.  This is a great way to remind you of the wonderful things there are to do in Ohio.  Not just go and do, but to see.  Living in a big town/little city is not so bad after all, is it? ;)

1 comment:

Julie VandeDrink said...

This looks like so much fun! Maybe you can introduce me to it - another one who is afraid of heights. I would try it...I'll put it on my "Fun" list. Your photos are GREAT! ♥ Mom

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