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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Zoo of a Weekend ➺

Requires a much deserved trip to the Zoo - with my family.  Last weekend, was - well NUTS and I needed some major fazam time with my guys.  Luckily, we had a perfect day at the zoo with Rick's Mom, Sister and two Nieces.  It was a blast!

mamaw getting her soren sugars - you can hear the belly laughs in this pic::mamaw with her grandbabies
As for the weekend - as nutty as it was, went exceptionally well.  What it is about?  I am not, yet, at liberty to say.  But I can say that the score has been colorfully marked, two nights successfully recorded, a patch session, the files are in NYC, backed up and safe - ready for post.  My work here is complete.

And now, for the important part of my week - my guys and the zoo.  I thought going to the Zoo and Coney Island were a blast last year, but this year we are in for some F-U-N!!  Seriously, not to be cheesy about it, but Soren had a blast at the zoo and I can't wait to go again.  What I love even more than watching him?  Watching him with his pappa.  The pair are too cute.  Whether he is riding on his back in our amazing KangaKid back-pack or chilling on a bench, they are truly the most precious part of my life.♥


1 comment:

Julie VandeDrink said...

You definitely deserved a break from your very busy and productive weekend. I'm so glad you found some time to enjoy the weather and more importantly, your family! The zoo is the greatest place to relax, unwind and watch your little guy take it all in. ♥ Mom

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