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Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Proposal - done! Pilot - done!  Blog the works...brutal, way to many options, and will probably change with great frequency.

Well, we are on our way to a very opaque green light, but still have some wrinkles to iron out before the program is up for the public.  Just a quick thank you, as my dear friend Jim has beat me to, whether you know it or NOT - you all have been an absolute necessity:

  • To Soapbox journalists and publisher - you have inspired us to examine Cincinnati's great neighborhoods and provided us with ample ammo for a manager's pilot.
  • Around Cincinnati and Cincinnati Edition, producer's Mark Perzel and Lee Hay - thank you for letting us dive into your archive.
  • To Chris Phelps and Perry Bradley for being MOST amazing sounding boards and throwing amazing ideas our way - you both have been so supportive and motivating.
  • And thank you to all the managers at CPR for giving us your very serious time and consideration.

Most of all to Mr. Jim Nolan for believing in the idea and putting soooo much time, energy and creativity into the project.  This show can't live without you, you are an absolute asset!

All else fails (and hopefully it won't) we have a killer manager pilot, some amazing graphic design and art from the AMAZING, TALENTED Monsieur Nolan! and I finally got a blog page up - suiting my narcissism quite nicely.

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